
Dancing Archetypes

Dancing Archetypes

Gabrielle Roth, the founder of 5Rhythms movement, loved to work with archetypes. In her book "Sweat Your Prayer", she invited us to explore a diverse cast of archetypes, to help us better understand our selves. By integrating and strengthening these archetypes within us, she taught us that we can free ourselves from limiting habits, and expand our expressive vocabularies both on the dance floor, and as we move through our relationships and our lives. 

My Story ~ The Medicine of Music and Movement

My Story ~ The Medicine of Music and Movement

Movement and music are my medicine. My guides, my callings, and my offerings. This is one version of the story of my callings, written with retrospective perspective...The curious choreography of the whole thing - how injury and illness at different times of my life would intervene and shift my direction, leading eventually to an integrated creative life as a musician and dancer, is some kind of magical musical movement mystery to me...